R​alph Michael Kiefer
joyful, timeless and touching sound journey

Ralph Michael Kiefer is an independent composer, pianist & handpan performer based in munich.
Enjoy his music on all streaming platforms worldwide!
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New album out now
When Ralph reviewed the live recordings of his concerts at Odeonsplatz München in summer 2023 he was thrilled by the quality and dynamics of the recordings.
That's why he likes to share the most beautiful recordings from various concerts as CD and digital album with vibrant new compositions, an inspired medley of his greatest hits & some beautiful surprise...
Become part of Ralph's team
It's time to build a team to create ideas to make Ralph's music accessible to more people - online and live in concert halls and all kinds of venues worldwide.
Can you imagine to become part of our tribe and support Ralph's work in the fields of management, social media & marketing, tour planning, booking, website design, video shooting...?