Joyful piano & handpan music​ ​
R​alph Michael Kiefer

Welcome to my homepage. I am an independent composer, pianist & handpan performer.
Thank you so much for your resonance & support! You enable me to bring more joyful music to the world!
You can enjoy my music on all streaming platforms worldwide - check it out & follow!
...and don’t forget to follow my social media channels for weekly updates, concert videos & more infos:
New live album out now on all streaming platforms
When I reviewed the live recordings of my concerts at Odeonsplatz München in summer 2023 I was thrilled by the quality and dynamics of the recordings.
That's why I like to share the most beautiful recordings from various concerts as a digital album with vibrant new compositions, an inspired medley of my greatest hits & some surprise...
Click on the cover to listen or follow this LINK
Thank you so much for the cover drawing - Florentina Pllana
Please note: In contrast to all other streaming platforms, (almost) all of the proceeds from downloads on bandcamp go to me - a nice way to support my work.
Bandcamp also allows you to individually adjust the purchase price upwards if you feel like giving the work on my next album an extra boost.
Another nice option is that you can purchase all of my albums, singles and EPs (9 releases in total) as a digital package at a special price in the finest audio quality.
CIRCLE OF LIFE - new album coming soon!
It's time to record my new album with all my wonderful new compositions that you may have already heard while my street performances or in my videos and posts.
I would like to let you take part in the creation process as well as in the realization of this very special album.
With your support I will record, produce & distribute CIRCLE OF LIFE - my next album full of love, joy & positive energy.
new video on YouTube
a spontaneous collaboration with two traveling film makers - raw & authentic live from the street - an amazing capture of a spontaneous gathering around my piano - enjoy the rise of energy out of nothing and follow my channel to stay in touch!
Become part of my team
I feel it is time to build my team to create ideas to make my music accessible to more people - online and live in concert halls and all kinds of venues worldwide.
Can you imagine to become part of my tribe and support my work in the fields of management, social media & marketing, tour planning, booking, website design, video shooting...?
Feel free to get in touch!
join my journey - subscribe to my newsletter

Thank you Christian Vogel for the portrait photo www.christianvogel.com